Friday, October 17, 2008

Camp Trailer Upgrade

Well, we talked about upgrading our camptrailer this summer. Nothing really wrong with our old 1982 Terry Taurus camp trailer but we wanted an awning and just to upgrade. Last Saturday we found an awesome camp trailer. It was a 2006 and $14,500 and we were minutes away from signing the paper and we really thought about it and we really wanted it but not the payment so after 4 hours at the RV lot, we decided to wait and keep looking. Well, Jake called on a trailer on Monday and Monday after I got off work, we went up to Idaho Falls and we bought us a new/used trailer. We got this 1996 Terry trailer. It is pretty nice and has lots of storage. So all day today, Jake has been fixing things up on the old trailer so we can sell it. He sure has worked hard on it. The only thing we had to fix on the new trailer is the latch that the people we bought it from had already bought. Jake of course had it fixed by Tuesday night!

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